KENTSTOWN Church of the Assumption Eircode C15 ED21
SATURDAY 6.00 pm – Ger Emmett, 1st Anniv. Monica Kerins & Sonny & Roseann Fox; Eddie, Enda & Brian Crinion
SUNDAY 9.30 am – Mina Connon; Louis, Alice & Ann McAuley
Tuesday at 7.00 pm & Wednesday at 10.00 am
SATURDAY 6.00 pm – CONFIRMATION PREPARATION MASS; Eugene Morgan; Jack & Elizabeth Carroll & Bebe Whyte SUNDAY 9.30 am – Mina Connon; Louis, Alice & Anne McAuley
Parents who wish to enrol their children for First Confessions are invited to attend a meeting either in Kentstown church this Tuesday 14 January at 7pm or in Beauparc church this Thursday 16 January at 7pm.
We welcome those who were recently baptised:
Aria Maria Power Romy Una Tighe
Austin Patrick Ruddy Blair Olivia Conway
Baptisms can be arranged by contacting Fr David.
The normal time will be on Sundays at 12.00 pm in Yellow Furze, Beauparc or at 12.30 pm in Kentstown.
Each weekend we are delighted to welcome the younger members of our parish who help us out by bringing up the gifts or who read a prayer of the faithful. If you would like to help out see Fr David 10 minutes before Mass.
Feast Days this week
15 Jan St Ita (c.475 - 570) was born in Waterford and founded a community of women in Killeedy, Co. Limerick.
17 Jan St Antony, Abbot (251 - 356) was the originator of the monastic life. He listened to the words of the Gospel and gave all he had to the poor. He went out into the wilderness to begin a life of poverty, prayer and meditation.
Volunteers needed for Ministers of the Eucharist.
Please leave your name in the sacristy.
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
Count your blessings instead of your crosses.
Count your gains instead of your losses.
Count your joys instead of your woes.
Count your friends instead of your foes.
Count your smiles instead of your tears.
Count your courage instead of your fears.
Count your full years instead of your lean.
Count your kind deeds instead of your mean.
Count your health instead of your wealth.
Count on God instead of yourself.