KENTSTOWN Church of the Assumption Eircode C15 ED21
WebCam: https://www.mcn.live/Camera/churchof-the-assumption-kentstown
SUNDAY 9.30 am – Carmel Wogan
Monday 2.00 pm - Requiem Mass for Andrea Demiröz
Tuesday at 10.00 am; Wednesday - No Mass
SATURDAY 6.00 pm – FIRST CONFESSIONS PREPARATION MASS; Jack, Miriam & Conor Traynor, Kelley Noone & Cathy O’Brien; Richard & Rosaleen Matthews, Louis & Ann McAuley
SUNDAY 9.30 am – Oliver Fields; Oliver Marry
Our final Confirmation Preparation Mass will take place in Yellow Furze, Beauparc church at 7pm on Tuesday 1 April 2025.
Confirmation will take place in Yellow Furze, Beauparc church at 12 noon on Thursday 3 April.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anamnacha
Andrea Demiröz, (née Byrne), Churchfields, Kentstown
Robbie Stanton, Dublin - brother of Alice Stanton Brennan
John Cremin, Scrahan, Knocknagree, Cork - father of David Cremin, Yellow Furze N.S.
Invitation for Monday evenings in Lent
There will be 1 hour of silent prayer in Kentstown church every Monday during Lent from 7pm to 8pm. The Gospel will be read. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed, with background music. Take time out for the hour or just drop in for a few minutes.
The Catholic Marriage Enrichment Programme helps couples enhance their communication and deepen their love for each other. The weekend experience provides a broader and deeper understanding of the sacrament of marriage. Sacramentally married couples are invited to participate. While faith is an important aspect of the experience, the focus of the weekend is on the realities and challenges of married life. The next Marriage Enrichment Weekend is at Knock from Fri 28 March to Sun 30 March 2025 - the best gift you’ll ever give to each other. Book at www.marriageencounter.ie
A Prayer for those getting ready for Confirmation
Spirit of God, grant me: the gift of WISDOM to see the world through your eyes, the gift of COUNSEL to make difficult decisions, the gifts of KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING to use my mind to know you and to love you, the gift of FORTITUDE to have the courage to live in the faith despite the difficulties and disappointments, the gift of PIETY to be able to express my special love and commitment to you, and the right kind of AWESOME FEAR that makes me pause to wonder and revere God’s love. Amen.
This year’s Cystic Fibrosis 10K Remembrance Run in Duleek will take place on 27 April at 2pm. To register see www.idonate.ie/event/Duleek10k
Community Meeting regarding the proposed gas power plant this Tues 11 March at 8pm in Old School Hall, Kentstown.